Get instant answers to Slack questions.
Zora is a Slack bot that searches through chat history, Notion pages and more to instantly answer questions on Slack. Installs in a few clicks.
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Built for product teams, by product teams from:
Insight Timer
Answers from GPT, directly in Slack.
Your questions are in Slack, so your answers should be too. Ask @zora to answer questions publicly in channels or privately in DMs. Zora can do everything that ChatGPT can: summarizing threads, providing examples and more - but directly in Slack!
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Answers from PDF documents.
Upload a PDF to Slack and start asking it questions. Ask @zora questions that are directly related to the uploaded PDF. Zora looks through the whole PDF for answers and quotes the relevant pages back to you.
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Answers from Notion and chat history.
Connect Notion and Slack chat history to GPT. Ask @zora to write code examples, or summarize articles that have been written by your team. Zora searches through Notion pages, Slack conversation history, and more for related context to answer to your question.
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Answers from API queries.
Use Notion API to search for things using natural language. Ask @zora questions like show me a list of pending tickets in the Kanban board, or show me a list of customers who have certain properties. Zora makes API queries to search for your answers so you dont have to manually search for things or click on filter buttons anymore.
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Zora: Get instant answers to Slack questions.
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